This is the pitch. websites.that.connect offer something you won't get from other web developers. Either because they don't have the resources, or they don't attach that much importance to it. I'll explain.
All websites can be divided into three major components. The first is design, which includes not only the look of each page as well as the graphic elements that appear on it, but also, and far more important, the navigational architecture of the entire site. The second component is HTML authoring (specifically HTML5 and CSS), which in simple terms means the conversion of everything into code that can be read by multiple browsers and operating systems.
The third component is the writing, or wordsmithery. Ideally, this should involve digging up all the necessary information, editing and organising textual elements in a logical way, making the copy reader friendly and benefit oriented, as well as imparting an appropriate tone and otherwise fostering a professional impression.
To one degree or another, any web developer will handle the first two components; almost none will expend either the proper effort or expertise on the third. Especially those emerging cut-rate places that offer template-based, cookie-cutter sites.